5 Interactive Gift Ideas That Your Little Girl Will Love
Finding the right gift for your little girl can be exhausting and scary. You don’t want that bottom lip to push out and the puppy dog eyes to fill up with crystal-like tears to be in full effect, nor do you want a tantrum that will be hard to handle. You might have a toddler who is just interested in shaking some toys and seeing what they do or a little girl who is curious and wants to learn new things. The display of gifts in the store aisle can leave you unsure about which gift they will like and which one will be promptly designated a place in the back of the closet and be out of sight and forgotten. Come spring cleaning time, they will be donated to Goodwill. So, we suggest that you buy something that will capture their attention for a long time.
From an indoor playground to a ball pit to a robotics building set, there are plenty of gift ideas for little girls you can choose from. Not only are these fun but also give your girl the chance to develop her social skills, problem-solving skills, and motor skills. At this age, most of the toys you see on the shelf are for both boys and girls. You can always choose a girly theme for your little princess, but the more complex the toy, the more she will truly enjoy it.
Below are a couple of gift ideas for little girls that we are sure your princess will love.
1. Craft Kits
When it comes to picking presents for little girls, Pinwheel Crafts has a wide selection of craft kits to fit your child's interests and skill level. They are great to work with and present you with the perfect opportunity to participate with your child. One of the best things about a craft kit is that it comes pre-packaged will all the tools to start a project. Creating your own kit can be a little messy and difficult. On the other hand, store-bought kits present you with plenty of options and you can choose different ones to see what your daughter likes.
Here are a couple of craft kits that will be perfect for your little girl:
- Fairy Lantern Jar
- Fairy Tale Light-Up Tracing Kit
- Flower Origami Kit
- Fun Fridge Magnet Kit
- Flower Pot Kit
- Magical Glitter Slime Kit
- Pendant Jewelry Kit
- Unicorn Pillow Kit
- Paracord Charm Bracelet Kit
Each of these kits will challenge your daughter’s primary skills. For example, a Unicorn Pillow Kit comes with tassels and flowers that will allow her to use her creative imagination and design a pillow.
2. Educational Toys
Toys can be educational and fun at the same time. Here are a few ideas of what type of kits you can buy:
A Doctor Kit: A surgeon kit is perfect for girls above 3-year-olds. Instead of choosing a plastic kit, consider one that is eco-friendly and made of wood. Often, such kits have non-toxic paint on them so that if a toddler puts something in her mouth, there are no harmful side effects.
These imaginative play kits contain things like a face mask, bandages, a tablet pack, a sanitizer bottle, a scalpel, a plasma bag, an ointment bottle, X-rays, a table dish, cotton buds, and lozenges.
Workbench: Why should boys have all the fun? A workbench is just as much fun for the little creator in your girl. It comes with plenty of accessories and fits perfectly in a small space. There are many children’s workstations that come with tools made from farmed wood, and include items like a saw, wrench, screwdriver, level, boards, hammer, screws, and nuts.
Play Kitchen: A battery-free, non-toxic kitchen play set can last for generations. Buy one that is made of wood, and you won’t have to worry about your toddler putting any pieces in their mouth. Here’s what’s included in a typical kitchen set: an oven with a pull-down door, four burners and tuning knobs, the cabinet under the sink with a shelf, cutting board, center grill, and a spacious sink.
3. Eco-Friendly Building Blocks
Don’t want to give your little girl a LEGO set? Then, gift her with an eco-friendly building block set. Though this presentation is a perfect match for your little girl, we suggest you keep her under your supervision because some of the blocks are small. The best thing about this block set is that it can be painted. So, if you are looking for a personalized toddler gift, this will truly surprise your daughter.
The blocks are made of eco-friendly beechwood and usually include 250 to 300 pieces. The set includes blocks, bases for building a masterpiece, and an axel with wheels. This toy kit is designed to encourage visual-spatial skills, creativity, and logic.
4. Personalized Look-a-Like Doll
Giving someone a gift that they will love with all their heart can be a bit nerve-wracking and when that someone is a little girl, you know you have got to pull out all the stops. This where personalized look-a-like dolls come in. An identical bestie that is super cuddly and soft will bring a smile to any girl’s face for sure! All you need to do is send in a picture of your little girl standing straight, and you will get a replica of her made with organic cotton yarn. For a personalized toddler gift, you can’t do better than this!
5. Crayola Sidewalk Chalk
Does your little girl love to show her art skills? That one time she painted the living room wall was a disaster, and it probably took you hours to wash the colors. Before the same thing happens in the bedroom, why not direct her attention somewhere else? Crayola Sidewalk Chalk is a wonderful present for little girls who love drawing and coloring. A set includes up to 48 colors and will last a long time. Just make sure that you aren’t breaking any HOA rule, or you will never hear the end of it.
So, how do these gift ideas for little girls sound to you? We highly recommend that you start with the craft kits because they will give your toddler plenty of room to work with her skills. Since we have included gift types from different categories, you can choose one that matches your daughter’s personality.