How to Make Origami Easter Bunnies!
As you may have heard, the Easter Bunny has been deemed an “essential worker” by New Zealand’s Prime Minister. As such, we know that many children are excited to search for Easter eggs on Sunday morning (even if the search is confined to the indoor space at home).
If you’re looking for a fun craft to do with your children for the holiday, here is a fun little walkthrough on how to make origami bunnies to decorate your home. They can be made in all different colors and sizes and decorated to your liking. And the best part? All you really need is some basic printer paper cut into a square, so no need to order supplies, or try to brave the crowds at your local superstore.

If you'd like to add some final touches, use a cotton ball and googly eyes to bring your little hopper to life! If you're having a hard time following the written instructions, this very helpful walkthrough from MP Easy Origami may help you get back on track.
If you had fun making these fun little paper creations, then we highly recommend that your check out the Pinwheel Crafts Flower Origami Kit! It comes with a booklet outlining 30 different flower folds at different difficulty levels. Beyond that, the paper is also perfect for experimenting with other folded designs, like these bunnies.
We wish you and your family continued health and safety in the coming weeks.

Have a happy Easter!
Pinwheel Crafts Team