DIY Paper Craft Father's Day Card Ideas

Hopefully, you’ve had a chance to get a special gift for that awesome guy in your life. (If not, make sure to check out our round up of six amazing DIY projects he’ll love.) If you’ve already picked up a present, then it’s time to top it all off with an awesomely adorable Father’s Day card! Some of these designs call for a couple of different materials to add fun accents. However, with a little ingenuity, you can make any of these cards with nothing more than some colorful paper and glue.

When you have a traditional dad, and a traditional gift, then you definitely want to have a traditional (yet unique) Father’s Day card. For years, a wallet has been a symbol of the traditional, masculine gift. Of course, we know Dad doesn’t need a new wallet every year. So, instead, give him this adorable wallet card. Little Leaf Lane provides a great walkthrough on how to create one of these. It even has a perfect pocket inside for a standard size gift card.

BBQ Apron

While the pattern and instructions for this card are not free, the small cost to get the template and instructions is TOTALLY worth it! This apron card is perfect for almost all dads. Even if he’s not a foodie, chances are good that he likes to grill out every now and then. This is an especially great card if it’s accompanying a food-related gift this Father’s Day. Make sure to check out Playing with Paper's blog covering this card design and linking to the appropriate storefronts.
Fishing Vest

Depending on where you are located, chances are good that you dad enjoys fishing. If this is the case, then this wonderful little fishing vest card is a great option for him. This video guide from Stampin Lorraine will walk you through the entire process on how to create this adorable card.

CD Player

If he’s old enough to be someone's father, then he's probably old enough to remember a time when the only way to listen to music on the go was by lugging around a portable CD player, headphones, and a hulking book full of CDs. Thank goodness technology has advanced so far in recent history and now he can carry all his music on his phone. This template from Meredith.com is all you need to create the base CD player card. All other customization is up to you. We think this card is PERFECT if you are giving Dad an Apple Music or Spotify gift card this year.

If you had lots of fun making these cards and want to learn new ways to make art with paper, check out the Pinwheel Crafts origami kit. It’s great for beginners to get into origami and paper crafting.
Happy Crafting!
Pinwheel Crafts