Pinwheel Crafts - Best Science Kits for Kids
Is your kid a nerd? In today’s world, being a nerd rocks. because who doesn’t want to be geek chic? At Pinwheel Crafts, we want to encourage your child’s love for science and support their passion for all things STEM, because they might make a successful career out of it, some day. What better way is there to nurture this curiosity then by making things interesting for them through the introduction of fun indoor activities?
We are talking about coming up with the best science kits for kids on your own!
If you’re browsing the internet for captivating science experiments and activities (like those from Pinwheel Crafts) that will keep your kids engaged, you have come to the right place. Instead of hunting for ingredients in your home every day for the experiments, why not come up with an individual chemistry set for kids, for every weekend? You can also give these kits as a Christmas or birthday gift.
Before we begin, let’s look at the essential safety package that your kid will need for performing the experiments. While the science kits we are about to share will have mild chemicals, you still need to take a few precautions to protect your kid from accidental spills and burns.
Safety Gear
- Lab Coat
- Goggles
- Glasses
- Gloves
Items to Add in Every Kit
- Glass Erlenmeyer Flask
- Small Containers with Caps
- Plastic Test Tubes with Caps
- Test Tube Holder
- Science Experiments Book
Now that you have the list for the basics, let’s start with the chemistry set for kids.
Fizz and Pop Kit

Things that make a sound and pop in the air are some of the coolest experiments. The fizz and pop kit contains simple ingredients, most of which you can easily find in your home. With this kit, you can try out several experiments.
Experiment #1: Alka Seltzer Rocket Explosions
What You Will Need
- Water
- Alka Seltzer Tablets
- Film Canister
1. Fill the container with water and place it in a tray
2. Break off an Alka Seltzer tablet in half and drop it in the container
3. Immediately cap the container and flip it
4. Stand back and watch the explosion happen
Note: There are two outcomes of this experiment ― the bottle might pop up towards the ceiling or just shake and fall sideways.
Experiment #2: Sandbox Volcano
How about taking the experiment outdoors?
What You Will Need
- Sandbox with Sand
- Baking Soda
- Vinegar
- Food Coloring
- Water Bottle
- Dish Soap
1. Take a plastic water bottle and fill it with 2 cups of water
2. Add in five tablespoons of baking soda and cap the bottle
3. Create a sand mountain and place the bottle inside
4. Uncap the bottle and add in a few drops of food coloring and dish soap
5. Now, add in half a cup of vinegar, immediately take a step back, and watch the foamy eruption take place
Make Your Own Crystals

This is one of the best science kits for teens! It still requires adult supervision because your kids will be dealing with Borax. Plus, if curiosity gets the better of them, they may destroy all their hard work.
What You Will Need
- 1 ¾ cup Borax
- 8 to 10 pipe cleaners (in different colors)
- 5 plastic cups
- 5 wooden skewers
- Fishing line
- 4 cups of hot water
- Food coloring
1. Wound the pipe cleaners in the form of a nest
2. Tie one end of the fishing line around the nest and the other around the wooden skewer
3. Boil four cups of water and add Borax to it. Let the powder completely dissolve and then pour the solution evenly in multiple plastic cups
4. Add food coloring to some of the cups
5. Now, place the skewers on top of the cup; the pipe cleaner nests should be submerged in the solution completely
6. Place the cups in a spot where they can’t be touched and leave them overnight
7. Remove the crystals from water and place them on a paper towel to dry them
Your crystals are ready to be used in your DIY arts and craft project!
Skittles Rainbow

Yes, food can be used to create edible science experiments! This one is just for fun.
What You Will Need
- Skittles Candy
- Water
- Cookie Cutters
- White Flat Plates
1. Empty a bag of Skittles on a flat white plate and let the kids sort them out by creating a round rainbow (Several layers can be created, or you can experiment a little and draw a design)
2. Place the cookie cutter in the middle and place just one Skittle in it
3. Now, let your kid carefully pour water into the plate, just enough so that the Skittles are submerged
4. Make sure not to shake the plate, or you will ruin your design
5. After a while, you will see the colors bleeding out and stretching to meet the middle. As for the Skittle in the middle, the cookie-cutter shape will form a boundary and create a beautiful design
This experiment can be performed with M&M’s and different liquids, such as vinegar and oil. Make sure to add these ingredients in the kit too so that you can show your kids how different ingredients bring different results.
Final Thoughts
Some of the best science experiments are done using baking soda and vinegar. They might be basic ingredients, but they hold a lot of power as we read above. From pops and fizzes to outright explosions, your kids will get to see everything. For a hands-on experience, make sure that your kids do everything with their own hands while wearing gloves and safety gear. It’s worth repeating ― safety first! The same goes for you too.
To make one of these truly the best science kits for kids, we suggest that you customize them. Take pictures of the ingredients, create illustrations of how the experiment will proceed step-by-step, and print the instructions. Do this for all the kits and see the surprise and excitement flash across the face of your kids.